Police search for people who filmed Hemel Hempstead assault

Police are urging people who may have video footage of the incident to come forwardPolice are urging people who may have video footage of the incident to come forward
Police are urging people who may have video footage of the incident to come forward
Police investigating an assault in Hemel Hempstead are appealing for people who may have filmed the incident to come forward.

At around 3.40pm on Friday, February 2, a man aged in his 30s was pulled out of his vehicle and assaulted by three unknown men, near the Gade and Goose pub in Galley Hill.

The victim suffered injuries to his face and ribs and was taken to hospital.

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PC Barrie Delaney, who is investigating, said: “The victim is still recovering from his injuries and has been left shaken by what happened.

“We have been carrying out enquiries in order to establish the circumstances around the incident and would still like to speak with anyone who saw what happened.

“It has since been reported to police that a bus drove past at the time of the incident and a number of people on board are believed to have filmed the assault taking place. If you have footage of the incident, please get in touch as you may be able to help us identify those responsible.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact PC Delaney by email to [email protected] or call the non-emergency number 101, quoting crime reference D1/18/1058.

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