Student from Hemel Hempstead takes on 115-mile walk to fundraise for Thailand trip

Elliot James wants to help educate children in the north of ThailandElliot James wants to help educate children in the north of Thailand
Elliot James wants to help educate children in the north of Thailand
A student will walk from his University town of Lincoln to his home town of Hemel Hempstead to try and raise funds so he can help disadvantaged children.

Elliot James, 19, is trying to raise £2,500 to fund a trip to Thailand in June 2018 so that he can help teach literacy and media skills to kids in the country.

The teen, who studies photography at the University of Lincoln, will start his walk at the city's cathedral on August 7, and make his way through Sleaford, Yarwell, Bedford and Luton on a four-day trek.

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Elliot will end his 115-mile walk at St Mary's Church in Hemel Old Town, where he is a voluntary bell ringer.

All the proceeds Elliot raises will go through the charity Future Sense Foundation, which will help him to fund his journey there and the tools needed to help educate the children.

The student is hoping to head out to the town of Mae Sariang in the north of the country, where he hopes to help 'young minds grow'.

Elliot said: "When I am out in Thailand I will be working with children to help them learn new skills in Media and Literacy.

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"As a photography student I will be focusing on that and teaching them to express themselves through taking photos and help them come up with a big project they can show their parents and friends.

"The aim is to be able to give them the stability to learn something new with myself and other volunteers helping them. This is something they can then take away and be proud of and show to their families and school.

"I want to teach them a skill they can be proud of, the part of Thailand we are heading to is not a holiday destination but somewhere I want to make a difference."

You can donate to Elliot's cause by donating on his online fundraising page here.