Thief targets woman in graveyard

Woodwells Cemetery in Hemel Hempstead is to be enlarged.11/2/11
Woodwells Cemetery in Hemel Hempstead is to be enlarged.
11/2/11 Woodwells Cemetery in Hemel Hempstead is to be enlarged.
A lady laying flowers in a cemetery was targeted by a thief who stole her handbag.

On Saturday May 28, a woman in her 70s was at Woodwells Cemetery in Buncefield Lane, Hemel Hempstead, when she was approached by a man asking for a pen.

The woman walked with the man back to her car, which was parked nearby, in order to find one.

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He then opened the passenger door and stole her handbag, before running off in the direction of the cemetery entrance.

The incident occurred between 5pm and 5.20pm.

The man is described as white, aged 20-25 years old, around 5ft 8in to 5ft 9in tall and of medium build.

He had short mousey-coloured hair and was wearing white trousers, a white jacket and check shirt.

This follows a similar incident on October 8 last year, when another woman in her 70s was approached by a man asking for a pen.

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On that occasion the man has taken the woman’s purse while she was looking in her car. Police believe the two incidents may be linked.

Detective Constable Yolanda Morales-Willis, from the Hemel Hempstead Local Crime Unit, said: “I would appeal to anyone who saw this incident and in particular anyone who believes they saw this man in the area at the time or afterwards to get in touch with me.”

Anyone with information should call DC Morales-Willis on 101, quoting crime reference D1/16/3808.

Alternatively, if you have any information about this incident you can contact the independent crime-fighting charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or through their Anonymous Online Form at

No personal details are taken, information cannot be traced or recorded and you will never need to go to court.