Tring trio bag a hat-trick of prizes at county awards night

Edward Pike, Will Darraugh and Gemma Marriott each picked up an awardEdward Pike, Will Darraugh and Gemma Marriott each picked up an award
Edward Pike, Will Darraugh and Gemma Marriott each picked up an award
Three young stars from Tring Park Cricket Club were among the winners at the Hertfordshire County Cricket Awards held at Knebworth Golf Club.

Edward Pike was named Best U10 Bowler; Will Darraugh took the prize for Best U14 Batsman; and Gemma Marriott was crowned Best Bastman for the U13 girls, despite still being an U12 player.

Chris Pike, speaking on behalf of the junior section at Tring Park Cricket Club, said: “The event was superbly run and a nice evening was had by all.”